Logo: Dibit Messtechnik GmbH

We are Dibit!

Our Mission

As a globally operating engineering company, we provide services in the field of surveying and rent or sell solutions. These are developed by ourselves and adapted to the requirements of our customers.

Our Vision

In the long term, we want to ensure greater safety in civil engineering. Our work is intended to determine the need for rehabilitation of existing tunnels, as well as the feasibility of new tunnels, so that our customers can take appropriate measures.


Tunnels scanned


km/h system speed

Business Locations


Our highly qualified employees accomplish competent services in the domains of tunnel construction, scanning and surveying.

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With our created dibit solutions, projects can be implemented with high accuracy, efficiency and individually customized for your clients requirements.

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In the field of surveying we provide services and sell or rent customized dibit solutions. We are internationally active and offer our products and services worldwide.

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Business Locations

Business Location Europe

Dibit Messtechnik GmbH
Framsweg 16
6020 Innsbruck, Österreich

phone:   +43 512 26 00 26
e-mail:   office))This is for spamprotection, please remove!((@))This is for spamprotection, please remove!((dibit.at
website: www.dibit.at

Business Location USA

Dibit Measuring Technique USA, Inc.
14911 Ash Landing Dr
Conroe, TX 77302

phone:   +1 425 505-8711
e-mail:   office@dibit-scanner.com
website: www.dibit.at

Business Location Australia

Dibit Measuring Technique Australia Pty Ltd
Level 11 1 Margaret Street
Sydney NSW 2000

website: www.dibit.at


Standort USA Dibit Measuring

14911 Ash Landing Dr
77302 Conroe, TX

Project-related data

Building / Object



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