Logo: Dibit Messtechnik GmbH


A09 Tunnel Chain Inzersdorf

Project-related data

Building / Object
Motorway Tunnel
Tunnel Scanning Audit, Tunnel Scanning Inspection
Service detail
tunnel length: about 6,7 km
Customer / Builder / Operator
ASFINAG Bau Management GmbH
Execution period
06/2021 - 12/2021

Project description

Scanned tunnel:

  • Tunnel Tretter
  • Tunnel Ottsdorf
  • Tunnel Kremsursprung
  • Grünbrücke Hinterburg

The scope of services includes the as-built survey by means of tunnel scans for the tunnel tubes listed (both directional carriageways in each case), which serve as a planning basis for the repair of the objects. This involved georeferenced, area-wide 3D surveying and complete photographic documentation. The result represents a complete 3D model textured in true colors.